
Secret Operations in Iraq

What do you guys think of this article? For some reason, either the tenor of the article, Woodward's smug silence, or the content itself makes me uncomfortable. Just wondering.


Adam said...

first i don't even know if you can call this an article. Second, i don't know why the word secret was used - it seems out of place. What i mean is - don't we expect our military to seek out the enemy leaders and kill them when we are at war? (obviously this sounds bad because most of us don't think we should be there in the first place) - but it just seems to me this article and woodard's book is just detailing things the american public knows or assumes is going on - and we just prefer to ignore it.

Paddy said...

I guess I want them to engage hostiles, but not assassinate. It seems like this is assassination here. Is that even right?