
Feeling 'Adult'

You know what really makes me feel like an adult, or at least an older person? Agreeing with Craig Ferguson in this clip.

I might be falling for the new Craigers, mostly 'cause he does stuff like this with some frequency.



Not sure if you dudes have seen this site: http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/ - but it is hilarious.

This is cool

Cool new visualization effect in Mac's newest OS. Of course, do you really need a cool way to look at your pictures? (I'm not posting this to re-ignite past debates. I just think it's really cool.)


Healthcare Rationing

An interesting article about healthcare from the famous utilitarian, Peter Singer. Sometime his willingness to say things that people don't like/want to hear is amazing to me.



An interesting op-ed. I hate her so much.


Palin Meltdown

Here is a piece from vanity fair about Palin - which came out before her meltdown. It's like 10,000 words - but well worth it.

And Paddy, this is just for you.


A Teen Drama for Our Times

Don't act like we wouldn't have watched every episode of this show in college.

Episode 3 is especially funny.


"Crisis of Confidence" Speech

I don't know if any of you have heard this speech before, but it's worth the 30 minutes if you have the time.

Forthright, honest, and demanding--not something we get much anymore from our politicians. It's also interesting to see that the debate about energy independence actually began in 1979.


I know newspapers are dying or something, but it's great they can still put out articles like this to answer one of the great questions of our age: Who was the first douchebag to yell "Freebird!" at a concert?

Reason #46 Soccer is Better Than Your Favorite Sport: Tifo

Believe it or not, this is from a game in the States: Portland v. Seattle in an Open Cup match last week. Still not up to the high bar these dudes set, but it's an improvement.



This is just part of my commitment to providing excellent content on this blog.

She tries to "shake it off" but there is no way. And why is her friend seemingly so cool with all of this going on right next to her?

Best Kids' Books Ever

I'm a little pissed that "Everyone Poops" wasn't included on this list.


Airline Fees

I won't be traveling as much in the next four years, but I found this piece to enlightening. I think Southwest comes out on top, but I still hate the "cattle call" (and don't kid yourself, it is still a cattle call).


Is higher education worthless?

God I hope not. I've got too much invested in it.