
Haute Couture in Academia

Who from Creighton should have made this photo shoot?

(You get extra bonus points if you can include an example photo.)


Adam said...

g dub should definitely make the list.

Unfortunately, it is much easier for me to think of professors who should NEVER be included in a photo shoot like that.

My wills and trusts professor does wear a killer sailboat belt to class almost everyday - he also has a coffe cup that has a picture of a mallard duck on it. Quite endearing...

Grawlix said...

Yeah, g dub gets my vote, too. But only when he wore suits. His casual dress was kinda awful, I thought. Dude wore a bolo tie for fuck's sake.

BK looks pretty great here, but I'm pretty biased on that one.

Remember when Fajardo would dress like a sailor? That made me lose my shit every time. Though a nicer shirt could make this look respectable.

Adam said...

I hope BK has added some color...she relied on black too much.

B. Churchill was a good dresser - but not in this type of category.

J said...

What's a sailboat belt even look like?

Paddy said...

Grawlix, I'm hearing the "Gilligan's Island" theme song in my head right now.

Adam said...

sailboat belt:


his looks almost exactly like this.