
Feminism or disgrace?

Howard Stern is helping a girl from San Diego auction off her virginity to pay for her education. Girl's got a degree in women's studies and argues this is an act of feminist "empowerment."

I don't know what I think, other than I'm shocked there are virgin women's studies majors.


Paddy said...

I find it hard to believe that this represents an act of feminist “empowerment" when its goal is simply to make money. Ultimately, capitalism is a patriarchal system—it is derived from the idea of the family (the smallest economic unit where the wife is relegated to the domestic space)—so simply inverting the system doesn’t really seem to subvert anything; rather it seems to imply that the only way to empower women is to become more like men. Real empowerment may mean calling these underlying systems out and seeking to change them, not simply using them in a different way.

I think I've heard a similar argument in relation to strippers/prostitutes: that is, strippers/prostitutes subvert patriarchal structures and male domination by using men to make money. Yet, is this really using? Does the exchange of money really right the wrong (and inherent power structures) of objectifying women? Ultimately, it seems as though it's still reinforcing the idea that men can get what they want, and (inferior) women are those that can (and, more importantly, should) give it to them.

In this case, one could also claim that her goal of getting an education is also a mitigating factor. Yet, this is assuming that she has exhausted other means that are available to everyone. I mean, "empowerment" to me really comes in the form of those government reforms that opened (and continue to open) educational opportunities up to people. As I argue above, it seems that changing systems are empowering moments, not simply reusing the same systems to get ahead.

On the other hand, I am a white male, and can’t completely inhabit or understand this woman’s position. I really don’t have any objections to her desire to do this. Anyone who knows me, knows that my belief in individual autonomy is perhaps prioritized to a fault, so I am all for this woman making money and losing her virginity if it’s what she REALLY WANTS to do. I’m just not going to buy the idea that it’s female empowerment. (At least, not yet. Are there other thoughts? )

Grawlix said...

I don't know, man. I really just wanted to know how much you'd all be willing to throw down to ski that fresh powder.

But yeah, what Paddy said is good, too.

J said...

50 bucks.

Paddy, you need shorter comments. I'm just going to assume it was decent without reading it.

Paddy said...

Ya, J, like you don't have time during the day to read things. My comments must be getting in the way of the 12 newspapers you read a day.

Anyways, Grawlix, ya, probably not that much. Really not that good-looking, and the virginity thing doesn't really get me going. I mean, maybe I'm wrong...