

A Point for Buefo

So, I was catching up on some news this evening and came across this story on Google News. Read it, liked it, felt satisfied I was up to date on a current event. Then, I saw this comment from "Buefo":

"Does anyone else find this to be an unfortunate choice of words for a headline? :D"

It took me a while to realize what Buefo meant, but then I realized I could totally hang out with him/her. To think that Obama went straight from balls to butthole!

Thought it might be funny to all of you too.


For Pat and Adam

It's probably as close as you're gonna get...


In honor of the namesake...

Some of these are dumb/don't make sense, and some are funny. Worth the time to peruse, however.

1. What's broing on?
2. brotocol
3. brogram
4. brotozoa
5. brotégé
6. bromance
8. Alpha and the Bromega
9. Brotagonist
10. Brochure
11. Broko Brono
12. Four-leaf brover
13. A low brow
14. Brodeo
15. Brodo Baggins
16. Frosty the Broman
17. Chicken Bro-mein
18. Bromaine lettuce
19. Bro-rida
20. Cookie brough ice cream
21. Bro Bice
22. Bro-hawk
23. Bro Bro gadget copter
24. Bro Bro Power Rangers
25. Bro Bro Bro Your Boat
26. Rain Rain Bro Away
27. Just bro away.
28. Fucking brow (grow) up.
29. Bromeo and Juliet
30. Brotein (shake)
31. Brow up (throw up)
32. Bro and tell
33. Brolivia
34. Bromania
35. Brosta Rica
36. Brozambique
37. Broatia
38. Broland
39. São Bromé and Príncipe
40. The Broman Empire
41. Brovakia
42. Idabro
43. North/South Dabrota
44. Broklahoma
45. Brohio
46. New Mexibro
47. Minnebrota
48. Hubro Chavez
49. Fidel Casbro
50. Nicolas Sarbrozy
51. Brommander-in-Chief
52. Sine and Brosine
53. Bro. J. Simpson
54. Me and my bro-workers
55. Insurance bro-pay
56. Bro the lawn
57. Bro my gawd
58. atbrosphere
59. We shall brovercome
60. Ayatollah Bromeini
61. Broseidon, lord of the brocean
62. Brometheus
63. Broficiency
64. Brototype
65. Bro v. Wade (1973)
66. Brover Cleveland
67. Brosemite Sam
68. brolific
69. broverstatement
70. Bropensity
71. brotally
72. Standard Operating Brocedure
73. Brone Call
74. Bro money, Bro problems
75. bromentum
76. Marco Brolo
77. Brose-minded
78. Brose/Broetry
79. Bromar Garcia-Parra
80. David Browie
81. Kurt Brobain
82. Saxobrone
83. Deal or Bro Deal
84. Bros and Cons
85. Wake me up before you bro-bro
86. Bronely
87. Times New Broman
88. Fuck the Brolice
89. Snorting Brocaine
90. Brotalitarian
91. Brotisserie
92. Broverfield
93. Bronan the Barbarian
94. Brosef Stalin
95. Dunkin Bronuts
96. Bro Biden
97. Brolitically incorrect
98. Bronas Brothers
99. Your average Joe Bro
100. Brocahontas
101. Brolka Dots
102. Walk, instead of taking the broey
103. Broverreach
104. Political Brotest
105. Villabrova
106. Brote or Die
107. Brovocation
108. Brocational School
109. Facebook Brofile
110. You just got browned
111. A big broner
112. Electrons and brotons
113. My favorite band: Bro-town
114. Bro-motion
115. Suntan Brotion
116. Barack Brobama
117. Ian Smith, leader of the former Brodesia
118. Russia's conflict with South Brossetia
119. Brojan Horse
120. Brhode Island
121. A Broad Block on the road
122. Brolio Vaccine
123. Bromona College
124. Job Bromotion
125. Nebroleon Bronaparte
126. BeBrolite
127. Brobot
128. Swiss Yodel/Brodel
129. Jim Bro Laws
130. Edgar Allen Broe
131. Academic Brovation
132. Brospective
133. You made her broan
134. Brome Improvement
135. When in Brome...
136. Brokémon
137. Only for a broment, and the broment's gone
138. My Heart Will Bro On
139. No way Brosé
140. They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said bro, bro, bro
141. Broasted chicken
142. Broller Skates
143. Brotractor
144. Brokyo, Japan
145. Math Brolutions Manuel
146. The Brotocols of the Elders of Zion
147. Uno, Bros, Tres
148. Hulk Brogan
149. Bronus Points
150. Vincent Van Bro

Taken from a posting on this dude's myspace page.


Six Word Stories

I think most of you know about the Hemmingway bet that he could write a story with just six words (he won with something like "for sale, baby shoes, never worn") - but I came across this old article from Wired magazine that had a variety of other authors write some 6 word stories.

Some are pretty funny....

This one from Margaret Atwood is pretty funny:

Longed for him. Got him. Shit.