
Off To Work I Go

Dudes, serious question: Why do people keep bothering me about wearing shorts when I'm at work? I work at a college campus for Christ's sake!

So, let me explain a little. In this wonderful summer job that I have being everyone's bitch (and being very good at it, I'll have you know) I have decided that because it's hot out that I am going to wear shorts and flip-flops (or whatever the hell you young people call sandals nowadays). Recently, people have been making comments to me about how I must not work hard because I am dressed like that. Really? What the hell kinda bullshit is that? I'm not really mad about this, but just amazed that there are people out there that actually believe that fancy clothing must equal good work. Man, there are some dumb ideas out there. I really doubt that well-dressed CEOs work harder than farmers. They might get paid more, of course, but I highly doubt that you can compare the quality of their work.

(An aside: Am I whining? Sometimes I think I'm that guy who posts all the whiny...posts?...SHIT. I'm really not trying to, but some shit just blows me away sometimes.)

Anyway, I say, "Fuck Propriety. Wear your damn shorts and do work, son!"


J said...

Bro, what is wrong with you? You need to mellow. I can't have you bringing this negative energy into Vegas and the West Coast tour. Get a massage or something.

Paddy said...

Nothing's wrong with me. I'm just opining about the current state of things. Don't worry. Nothing is going to get in the way of relaxation and fun on the left coast.