
Global Warming?

This is a rather long article, but if you have the time, it's a very interesting read. (I don't link it here because I agree with it, only because I found it interesting in its contradiction.)

There's a story to how I came upon this: Stanley Fish's blog on the NYTimes referenced this "radical" professor at the University of Ottawa. The article dealt with the definition of "academic freedom" and Fish was using this professor, Rancourt, as an example of academic freedom run amok (he refuses to give grades, teaches a course where he and the students engage in activism, etc.). Anyway, I was checking out a few of Rancourt's websites and found that James Inhofe (R-OK) used Rancourt's argument to oppose the idea of global warming (http://climateguy.blogspot.com/). I thought this was rather comical because I'm assuming that Inhofe wouldn't support Rancourt's teaching methods, despite his praise of his scientific research. Conservatives certainly love the normalizing function of education.

A complicated world. The more I read about things and hear different opinions, the more I think there is really never consensus on any single issue. EVER.

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