
Why is Apple Destroying the World?

This reminded me of J and Grawlix. The funny thing about this is that most buyers of iPads (and other Apple products) don't even know what the hell this Tate guy is talking about. Seriously, what the hell is Obj C and API?

I don't think Jobs can be criticized for creating something that people really like using, even if it doesn't have (or use) these things. Demand runs the market. If most people who buy iPads like the way it runs, then that's the way it's going to be. If you have some better ideas, start your own company and build it the way you want to (with all the crap you want in it). This theoretical argument about what Apple products could (or should) be is simply ridiculous. If it should be something else, build it, market it, and sell it. If it's good, people will buy it.

1 comment:

Grawlix said...

If it's good, people will buy it.

People are buying them. Blackberries have double the market-share of iPhones (not that that's really relevant). And Android's catching up (though those numbers are inflated by some giveaways).

But it's also not that easy. There are phones available all over the world that are ten years ahead of what the iPhone or any other smartphone in this country can do. But the American market isn't robust or savvy enough for those phones to sell here. In general, we like our devices "good enough" - which is how we get things like the App Store, netbooks, and smart phones that aren't all that smart.