

Anything involving Legos is awesome. The Frank Lloyd Wright part is just a bonus.


Burke said...

Speaking of Architecture - check out the real life owner of Jackie Treehorn's Place:


Dude is super rich who goes to over 100 NBA games a year and looks creepy

Also - Its S.Burke saying hi to everyone - I check up on this blog from time to time but was looking for the right time to drop some of my own comments/links/discussion...

Wachal - anyway your 'hawks can make this series interesting again? Honestly - I am pumped for a re-match of last years finals so I thank your little team for playing and ask them kindly to return next year with a bit more maturity (but keep Quenville's mustache...that guy was an assistant with the Avs who let me come to a private practice and hang out with Claude Lemuix (yes - giant douche) for a few minutes in the locker room)

J - do it:

Also - I will be in New Orleans all summer starting this weekend - open invite to all

Also - Go Nuggets - Time to Fly:

Paddy said...

I's so getting back into legos again.