
Things I Liked Today:

(1) A funny video about voter registration and voting (especially Jonah Hill, from Superbad, and Sarah Silverman).

(2) The NYTimes interactive transcript of the VP debate. It is here where I searched for the term "also" (having noticed that Palin LOVES this word--it's like the Alaskan version of the valley-girl "like"). The results: Biden used the term 3 times, Gwen Ifill, 2, and Palin...47! Wow.

(3) How ridiculous CNN correspondent Leslie Sanchez is. She gave Joe Biden a B on CNN's interactive VP debate report card, saying he was "too verbose and technical when explaining the Obama/Biden progressive ticket." (I thought that has been the criticism of Obama all along--that he has been too general about his policies. Now that Biden works to clarify them through specifics, he's being too detailed. Honestly, Sanchez spins the shit out of these things. My question: Is it really worth having contributors like this from either end of the spectrum? All they do is make stuff up anyway.) To add insult to injury, Sanchez gave Palin an A, arguing "she spoke about common sense reform on domestic issues. She reinvigorated the GOP ticket." I didn't here a specific idea from her in the whole 90 minute debate. Of course, that's just me.

(4) And this story, about a kid who thought it would be a great idea to send a porn pic to his ENTIRE school.

1 comment:

Adam said...

my favorite cameo was kevin connolly ("e" from entourage).